Saturday 30 March 2013

0 One Icon, One Detail: Gordon Parks' Trench Coat

Gordon Parks was one the most legendary photographers of the 20th Century, capturing the grit and glory of this nation. And he was so successful in doing so because he understood the importance of character, of the little things that could make or break an image or, for that matter, a person. That knack carried through to his personal style, too, as you can see in this self-portrait from 1948, wherein Parks sports what would become a signature piece for him: the well-worn trench coat.

A trench just plain looks better all beat-up and faded from wear, and Parks, who used to wear his coat while shooting in all manner of conditions, had one of the best. Take a page from his book, and think of your trench coat like body armor. Wear it in the rain, in the wind. Let it get worn-out. Let it take all the day's hits for you. There's no need to baby a trench — hell, it takes its name from its WWI origins, so it's clearly not meant to be delicate. Rather, it's meant to look rough around the edges, showing the scars earned from your day-to-day endeavors. Follow Parks' lead. Don't worry about keeping your clothes perfect. Worry about living in them, because that's how you become a legend.
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